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Adaptation changes in dynamic postural control and contingent negative variation during repeated transient forward translation in the elderly
Authors:Maki Maekawa  Katsuo Fujiwara  Naoe Kiyota  Chie Yaguchi
Affiliation:1.Department of Human Movement and Health, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University, 13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa 920-8640, Japan;2.Department of Rehabilitation Science, Osaka Health Science University, 1-9-27 Tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0043, Japan;3.Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Human Science, Hokkaido Bunkyo University, 5-196-1, Kogane-chuo, Eniwa 061-1449, Japan


Adaptation changes in postural control and contingent negative variation (CNV) for the elderly were investigated during repeated forward floor translation.


Fifteen healthy elderly persons, living in the suburban area of Kanazawa City, Japan, underwent backward postural disturbance by a forward-floor translation (S2) 2 s after an auditory warning signal (S1). A set with 20 trials was repeated until a negative peak of late CNV was recognized in the 600-ms period before S2, and the last set was defined as the final set. Electroencephalograms, center of foot pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPap), and electromyograms of postural muscles were analyzed.


CoPap displacement generated by the floor translation was significantly decreased until the twelfth trial in the first set, and mean CoPap displacement was smaller in the second and final sets than in the first set. The mean displacement was significantly smaller in the final set than the previous set. A late CNV with a negative peak was not recognized in the first and second sets. However, most subjects (13/15) showed a negative peak by the fourth set, when the late CNV started to increase negatively from about 1,000 ms after S1 and peaked at about 300 ms before S2. At about 160 ms before the CNV peak, the CoPap forward shift started. The increase in timing of the gastrocnemius activity related to the CoPap shift was significantly correlated with the CNV peak timing (r = 0.64). After S2, peak amplitudes of the anterior postural muscles were significantly decreased in the final set compared to the first set.


It was demonstrated that even for the elderly, with so many repetitions of postural disturbance, a late CNV with a negative peak was recognized, leading to accurate postural preparation. This suggests the improvement of frontal lobe function (e.g., anticipatory attention and motor preparation) in the elderly.
Keywords:Adaptation   Anticipatory postural control   Contingent negative variation   Elderly subject   Floor translation   Postural disturbance   Postural muscle activation
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