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引用本文:王子健,高明,吕洪伟,周亮,易华清,刘莉,刘冬平. 北戴河朱鹮野化种群非繁殖期日间活动时间分配和行为节律[J]. 生态学报, 2021, 41(13): 5487-5494
作者姓名:王子健  高明  吕洪伟  周亮  易华清  刘莉  刘冬平
作者单位:河北北戴河国家湿地公园管理处, 北戴河 066100;中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所, 国家林业和草原局森林保护学重点实验室, 北京 100091;安徽师范大学, 合肥 230000
摘    要:于2019年7月-2020年1月对北戴河朱鹮野化种群非繁殖期的日间活动时间分配和行为节律进行了分析。结果表明,休息(41.8%)、觅食(39.7%)和理羽(13.3%)是北戴河朱鹮非繁殖期的主要行为。在行为节律上,有3个觅食高峰、2个休息高峰和2个理羽高峰。成鸟和幼鸟行为分配相似,但成鸟的警戒和社群等其他行为比例显著较高。与野生种群相比,北戴河野化种群的觅食时间显著较少,主要原因是野生个体需要花费较多时间搜寻食物,且飞行等活动的能耗较高。朱鹮在冬季的休息和理羽行为比例高于夏秋季,觅食行为则相反,这样可以在低温和大风天气降低能耗,是对北戴河气候环境的有效适应。为了提高朱鹮对多种气候环境的适应能力,为今后北戴河朱鹮的再引入奠定基础,我们建议在冬季要确保朱鹮有充足的适宜觅食地,同时在野化网笼中进行必要的环境丰容,如在网笼内增加常绿树种和阔叶树种,部分侧网上安装防风板,或在网笼中设置防风避寒的伞棚等设施,以供朱鹮进行选择。

关 键 词:北戴河  朱鹮  野化训练  时间分配  行为节律

Diurnal time budget and behavioral rhythm of an acclimatizing Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon population during non-breeding season in Beidaihe, Hebei Province, China
Affiliation:Hebei Beidaihe National Wetland Park Management Office, Beidaihe 066100, China;Key Laboratory of Forest Protection of National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China;Anhui Normal University, Hefei 230000, China
Abstract:Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon is one of the most endangered avian species in the world, with the only wild population distributed in Yangxian County of Shaanxi Province, China. Since 2004, reintroductions have been conducted in Shaanxi, Henan and Zhejiang Province. To further expand the range, 20 individuals were introduced to Beidaihe, Hebei Province in 2018 to establish the northernmost acclimatizing population. To reveal the adaptability of Crested Ibis to the local environment, the diurnal time budget and behavior rhythm of the acclimatizing population were analyzed in Beidaihe during the non-breeding period from July 2019 to January 2020. The results showed that the resting (41.8%), foraging (39.7%) and preening (13.3%) were the main activities. In terms of behavioral rhythm, there were three foraging peaks, two resting peaks, and two preening peaks. Adults and juveniles had similar time budget, but adult birds had a significantly higher proportion of vigilance and social behaviors. Compared with wild populations, the birds in Beidaihe spent significantly less time on foraging, while wild individuals had to spend more time on searching for food and consuming considerable energy in flying and other activities. The Crested Ibis spent more time in resting and preening while less time in foraging behavior in winter than those in summer and autumn. This would reduce energy consumption in low temperature and windy weather so as to adapt to the local climate conditions. In order to improve the adaptability of the Crested Ibis to various climate and environment, and prepare for the implementation of the reintroduction in the future, we suggest 1) to add some push-flow pumps to the simulated foraging wetland to prevent freezing of the water surface and increase the input of food such as loach, so as to ensure that the Crested Ibis has adequate feeding grounds in winter. 2) to carry out the environmental enrichment inside the cage, such as increasing evergreen and broad-leaved trees in the cage, installing windproof plates on part of the side nets, and setting up umbrella sheds against wind and cold weather to provide more choices for the Crested Ibis in cold weather; 3) to carry out more detailed observation on the behaviors related to bare parts protection to reflect the adaptation of the Crested Ibis to cold weather, and to conduct dropping sampling to reveal physiological adaptation; 4) to conduct pre-investigation on the distribution and status of suitable foraging habitat for the Crested Ibis nearby Beidaihe in winter, so as to make preparation the future release.
Keywords:Beidaihe  Crested Ibis  acclimation  time budget  behavioral rhythm
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