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Interrelationship Between Plant Developmental Stage, Plant Growth Rate, Nitrate Utilization and Nitrogen Fixation in Hydroponically Grown Soybean
Abstract:The growth rate of the indeterminate soybean plant [Glycinemax (L.)Merr.] slows as it proceeds from vegetative phase intoreproductive growth. Yet, the well-nodulated plant acquiresmost of its nitrogen during reproductive growth. Thus, the interrelationshipbetween plant developmental stage and nitrogen fixation wasexamined. It is shown that, regardless of the age of the hydroponicallygrown soybean plant at the time of its inoculation with Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum, the highest rate of nitrogen fixation occurs duringthe pod-filling stage (R5). Nevertheless, maximum total nitrogenfixation is generally achieved when inoculation occurs at thefull-bloom stage (R2). It is shown, however, that flower budsand flowering are not responsible for the enhanced nodulationand nitrogen fixation. Rather, the data suggest that the onsetof rapid nodulation occurs soon after the initiation of thedevelopmentally programmed drop in foliar nitrate reductaseactivity. The ensuing increase in nitrogen fixation providesthe plant with much of its needed nitrogen and hence stimulatesplant mass accumulation during pod-fill. It is suggested thatnitrogen fixation enhances growth of the soybean plant by increasingits net photosynthetic efficiency during reproductive growthand by providing the needed nitrogen at the appropriate timefor maximum seed growth. Key words: Glycine max, nitrate, nitrogen fixation, nodulation
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