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Relationship of transepithelial electrical potential to membrane potentials and conductance ratios in frog skin
Authors:Wolfram Nagel  Alvin Essig
Affiliation:(1) Department of Physiology, University of Munich, D-8000 Munich 2, BRD, Germany;(2) Department of Physiology, Boston University School of Medicine, 02118 Boston, Massachusetts
Abstract:Summary Previous studies in anuran epithelia have shown that, after clamping the transepithelial voltage in symmetrical sequences for 4–6 min there is near-constancy of the rate of active Na transport and the associated oxidative metabolism, with a near-linear potential dependence of both. Here we have investigated in frog skin the cellular electrophysiological events associated with voltage clamping (Vt=inside-outside potential). Increase and decrease ofVt produced converse effects, related directly to the magnitude ofVt.Hyperpolarization resulted in prompt decrease in inward transepithelial currentIt and increase in fractional outer membrane resistancefR0 (as evaluated from small transient voltage perturbations) and in outer membrane potentialV0. Overshoot ofV0 was followed by relaxation to a quasi-steady state in minutes. Changes infR0 were progressive, with half times of some 1–5 sec. Changes in transepithelial slope conductancegt were more variable, usually preventing precise evaluation of the outer and inner cell membrane conductancesg0 andgi. Nevertheless, it was shown thatg0 is related inversely toVt andV0. Presuming insensitivity ofVi toVt, the dependence ofg0 onV0 in the steady state much exceeds that predicted by the constant field equation. Apparent inconsistencies with earlier results of others may be attributable to differences in protocol and the complex dependence ofg0 onV0 and/or cellular current. In contrast to previous findings in tight epithelia at open circuit, differences inVt were associated with substantial differences infR0 and inner membrane potentialVi. Hyperpolarization ofVt over ranges commonly employed in studies of active transport and metabolism appears to increase significantly the electrochemical work per Na ion transported.
Keywords:membrane potentials  membrane conductances  frog skin  constant field equation  sodium conductances
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