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Finding of regeneration in a large number of wounded receptacles in Sargassum ringgoldianum (Phaeophyceae,Fucales)
Authors:Shunro Yamano  Shingo Akita  Yuhi Hayakawa  Daisuke Fujita
Abstract:Sargassum ringgoldianm is a canopy‐forming perennial macroalga dominant in a shallow waters along the central Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan, where macroalgal forests have been drastically declining by browsing of herbivorous fish since the 1990s. Accordingly, we tried to reveal seasonal fluctuation of browsing damage on S. ringgoldianum. In the course of the investigation, we found signs of receptacle regeneration in S. rinngoldianum, which has been reported in a few species of the order Fucales. Regenerations occurred most frequently from 3.0 mm to 3.9 mm of the basal part of original receptacles and were also observed at the tips of remaining stalks as well as branchlets that seemed to lose original receptacles. The regenerated receptacles formed antheridia and oogonia, and released eggs from them, suggesting that regenerated receptacles are functional. In addition, no regeneration was observed in only three individuals among 51 plants observed. We show herein a high regenerative ability of wounded receptacles in S. ringgoldianum. This frequent regeneration of functional receptacles is important for the persistence of the population.
Keywords:Sargassum coreanum  Sargassum forest  Sargassum ringgoldianum subsp. coreanum  Siganus fuscescens  wound healing
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