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Specificity of mutagenesis by 4-aminobiphenyl. A possible role for N-(deoxyadenosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl as a premutational lesion
Authors:D D Lasko  S C Harvey  S B Malaikal  F F Kadlubar  J M Essigmann
Affiliation:Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 02139.
Abstract:Mutagenesis by N-acetoxy-N-trifluoroacetyl-4-aminobiphenyl, a reactive form of the human bladder carcinogen 4-aminobiphenyl (ABP), was studied in Escherichia coli virus M13mp10. N-acetoxy-N-trifluoroacetyl-4-ABP-treated DNA containing 140 lesions/duplex genome, when introduced into excision repair-competent cells induced for SOS mutagenic processing, resulted in a 40-fold increase in mutation frequency over background in the lacZ alpha gene fragment. DNA sequence changes were determined for 20 independent mutants. G-C base pairs were the major targets for base pair substitution mutations, although significant mutagenic activity was also observed at certain A-T base pairs. Deletion and frameshift mutations also were found in this sample. The salient feature of this partial "mutational spectrum" was a hotspot that occurred at position 6357 (amino acid 30 of the beta-galactosidase fragment encoded by M13mp10); this A-T to T-A transversion appeared in 6 of the 20 mutants. The property of ABP to mutate A-T base pairs was consistent with the result that N-hydroxy-ABP reverted Salmonella typhimurium strain TA104, which is presumed to revert primarily due to mutations at these sites. The ability of the major carcinogen-DNA adduct formed by ABP in vivo and in vitro, N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl, to cause base pair substitution mutations was also investigated. This adduct was positioned specifically in the minus strand at position 6270 in duplex M13mp10 DNA. In the presence of the mutagenesis-enhancing plasmid pGW16 and UV induction of SOS mutagenic processing, it was shown that fewer than 0.02% of the adducts resulted in transition or transversion mutations following transfection of DNA into excision-repair competent cells. Similar results were obtained in uvrA and uvrC backgrounds. Although the major adduct did not cause base substitution mutations under these experimental conditions, the contribution of this lesion to the entire spectrum of mutations in the lacZ alpha fragment seems likely.
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