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Green Revolution Trees: Semidwarfism Transgenes Modify Gibberellins, Promote Root Growth, Enhance Morphological Diversity, and Reduce Competitiveness in Hybrid Poplar
Authors:Ani A. Elias   Victor B. Busov   Kevin R. Kosola   Cathleen Ma   Elizabeth Etherington   Olga Shevchenko   Harish Gandhi   David W. Pearce   Stewart B. Rood   Steven H. Strauss
Affiliation:Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 (A.A.E., C.M., E.E., O.S., S.H.S.); School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan 49931 (V.B.B.); Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Missouri 63167 (K.R.K.); Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc., Ames, Iowa 50010 (H.G.); and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lethbridge, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1K 3M4 (D.W.P., S.B.R.)
Abstract:Semidwarfism has been used extensively in row crops and horticulture to promote yield, reduce lodging, and improve harvest index, and it might have similar benefits for trees for short-rotation forestry or energy plantations, reclamation, phytoremediation, or other applications. We studied the effects of the dominant semidwarfism transgenes GA Insensitive (GAI) and Repressor of GAI-Like, which affect gibberellin (GA) action, and the GA catabolic gene, GA 2-oxidase, in nursery beds and in 2-year-old high-density stands of hybrid poplar (Populus tremula × Populus alba). Twenty-nine traits were analyzed, including measures of growth, morphology, and physiology. Endogenous GA levels were modified in most transgenic events; GA20 and GA8, in particular, had strong inverse associations with tree height. Nearly all measured traits varied significantly among genotypes, and several traits interacted with planting density, including aboveground biomass, root-shoot ratio, root fraction, branch angle, and crown depth. Semidwarfism promoted biomass allocation to roots over shoots and substantially increased rooting efficiency with most genes tested. The increased root proportion and increased leaf chlorophyll levels were associated with changes in leaf carbon isotope discrimination, indicating altered water use efficiency. Semidwarf trees had dramatically reduced growth when in direct competition with wild-type trees, supporting the hypothesis that semidwarfism genes could be effective tools to mitigate the spread of exotic, hybrid, and transgenic plants in wild and feral populations.Semidwarfism is a valuable trait in many crop species and agricultural environments. In cereal crops, it can result in decreased lodging, increased yield, and improved harvest index (Dalrymple, 1985; Hedden, 2003). Therefore, it was a critical foundation of the “Green Revolution” that resulted in large improvements of yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rice (Oryza sativa; Hargrove and Cabanilla, 1979; Perovic et al., 2008). Semidwarfism has had substantial benefits for fruit tree production, where it enables earlier fruit bearing, higher yields, and easier harvests in orchards (Battisini and Battisini, 2005). Semidwarf woody species are also extensively used in ornamental horticulture, where they allow more compact forms to be fit into small areas around homes and on streets and reduce the need for pruning to avoid interference with structures and transmission lines (Busov et al., 2003).Although against the current orthodoxy of forest tree breeding, where height growth is emphasized, semidwarfism might also have benefits for wood and biomass production (Bradshaw and Strauss, 2001). Such trees could be useful if they were less prone to wind throw due to their shorter, stockier forms and expected greater allocation to roots. Reduced stature could also result in less bending and slanting of trunks in the face of wind and gravity on hillslopes and thus reduce the extent of reaction wood formation, which degrades the performance and value of solid wood and pulp products. Reduced height and increased allocation of growth to roots might enhance stress tolerance, soil nutrient uptake, bioremediation, and carbon sequestration.Semidwarfism can be achieved by the modification of several types of genes and physiological mechanisms, but the most prevalent and advanced forms in agriculture affect GAs or their signaling (for review, see Busov et al., 2008). GAs are endogenous plant hormones that influence several aspects of plant growth and development, including seed germination, leaf expansion, shoot growth, cell division, flower induction, and fruit development (Sun and Gubler, 2004; Fleet and Sun, 2005; Swain and Singh, 2005). With respect to shoot growth, the most obvious effect of GA is its promotion of stem elongation by stimulating both cell elongation and division (Marth et al., 1956). GA modification also has significant effects on plant biochemistry, changing the amounts and distribution of a wide variety of metabolites in shoots and roots (Rossetto et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2004; Busov et al., 2006).Little is known about how semidwarfism affects belowground growth. GA has been shown to play a controlling role in lateral root development (Gou et al., 2010), and GA and ethylene synergistically promote both the initiation and growth of adventitious roots (Osmont et al., 2007). In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), isogenic GA-deficient mutants (gib) allocate more biomass to roots compared with shoots (Nagel et al., 2001). In poplar (Populus spp.), semidwarf transgenic plants grown in vitro had a lower shoot-to-root ratio, which was at least partly due to proliferation of lateral roots (Busov et al., 2006; Gou et al., 2010).As a domestication trait, semidwarfism has been proposed as a means for mitigating the spread of transgenic plants within and outside of crop environments (Al-Ahmad et al., 2005). The genetic dominance of most semidwarfism transgenes would cause reduced height growth in transgene-containing progeny, reducing their ability to compete for light. Moreover, because of the close linkage of the semidwarfism genes to other genes that were cointroduced on the same plasmid, they would also powerfully retard their spread or introgression, even in cases where the linked transgene would, on their own, impart a selective advantage. However, there have been very few plant species where this concept has been explicitly tested (Al-Ahmad and Gressel, 2006; Gressel and Valverde, 2009), and we know of no examples in woody or perennial plants.To study the effects of semidwarfism genes in a woody plant grown under field conditions, we inserted a number of dominant GA-modifying transgenes into hybrid poplar (Populus tremula × Populus alba), the widely recognized model woody plant for genomics and biotechnology (Herschbach and Kopriva, 2002; Brunner et al., 2004a; Tuskan et al., 2004). Most of the genes studied were overexpressed forms of GA 2-oxidase, GA-Insensitive (GAI), or Repressor of GAI-Like (RGL), all known to cause semidwarfism in other plant species. GA 2-oxidase is a major GA catabolic enzyme in plants, and GAI and RGL are negative regulators of the GA signal transduction pathway (Appleford et al., 2007; Busov et al., 2008). The transgenic trees were first analyzed in the greenhouse (Busov et al., 2006) and then assayed for their effect on height growth in a 2-year field trial (Zawaski et al., 2011), from which we selected 10 transgenic events that grew at approximately three-quarters the rate of wild-type trees. The goal was to select semidwarf trees whose phenotype was not so severe as to be irrelevant to possible crop uses but strong enough to give a clear phenotype in a field study. In this study, we analyzed changes in a number of morphological, physiological, and growth traits and investigated the prospect for semidwarfism to be used as a mitigation tool to reduce the frequency of spread of transgenic and exotic species.
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