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Dorsoventral axis inversion: Enteropneust anatomy links invertebrates to chordates turned upside down
Authors:K N  übler-Jung  D Arendt
Institution:Institut für Biologe I (Zoologie) der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Abstract:The relationships between chordates with their dorsal nerve cord and other animal groups remain unclear. The hemichordata, specifically the enteropneusta (acorn worms), have been considered a sister group to the chordata. Enteropneusts combine various chordate features (e.g. lateral gill openings, dorsal nerve cord) with features that are usually associated with gastroneuralian invertebrates (e.g. dorsal heart, circumenteric nerve ring, ventral nerve cord). Here we analyse various morphological and functional characteristics that enteropneusts share with either invertebrates or chordates in the light of our recent proposal that the chordata may derive – by bodily dorsoventral inversion – from a gastroneuralian ancestor. We show that many seemingly non-chordate features of enteropneusts will align with similar features in the chordates – provided that we compare the ventral side of an enteropneust to the dorsal side of a chordate. This inversion proposes several interesting and new putative homologies between enteropneusts and acranian chordates, such as between their epibranchial ridge/endostyle (later thyroid gland), their postanal tails, atrial walls, and also between the chordates' dorsal notochord and the enteropneusts' posteroventral pygochord. Significantly, positional homology between notochord and pygochord is also supported by the expression domains of Brachyury orthologs in vertebrates and invertebrates: a Brachyury ortholog is active in the postero ventral mesoderm in Drosophila and in the dorsal mesoderm in chordates. In conclusion, we propose that the anatomy of enteropneusts may serve as a conceptual 'missing link' between gastroneuralian invertebrates and notoneuralian chordates. We discuss whether the enteropneust's dorsoanterior nervous centre plus their ventral trunk cord then corresponds to brain and dorsal nerve cord in the chordata.
Keywords:chordate evolution – dorsoventral inversion – enteropneusta – hemichordata
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