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Turgor and Longitudinal Tissue 12Helianthus annuus
Abstract:The quantitative relationship between turgor and the pressureexerted by the inner tissues (cortex, vascular tissue, and pith)on the peripheral cell walls (longitudinal tissue pressure)was investigated in hypocotyls of sunflower seedlings (Helianthusannuus L.) In etiolated hypocotyls cell turgor pressures, asmeasured with the pressure probe, were in the range 0·38to 0·55 MPa with an average of 0·48 MPa. In irradiatedhypocotyls turgor pressures varied from 0·40 to 0·57MPa with a, mean at 0·49 MPa. The pressure exerted bythe inner tissues on the outer walls was estimated by incubatingpeeled sections in a series of osmotic test solutions (polyethyleneglycol 8000). The length change was measured with a transducer.In both etiolated and irradiated hypocotyls an external osmoticpressure of 0·5 MPa was required to inhibit elongationof the inner tissues, i.e. the average cell turgor and the longitudinaltissue pressure are very similar quantities. The results indicatethat the turgor of the inner tissues is displaced to and borneby the thick, growth-limiting peripheral cell walls of the hypocotyl. Key words: Helianthus annuus, hypocotyl growth, tissue pressure, turgor pressure, wall stress
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