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Light-induced changes in the fluorescence yield of chlorophyll a in Anacystis nidulans II. The fast changes and the effect of photosynthetic inhibitors on both the fast and slow fluorescence induction
Authors:Mohanty, Prasanna   Govindjee,
Affiliation:Departments of Botany and Physiology and Biophysics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61081, U.S.A.
  1. The intensity dependence and spectral variations during thefast transient of chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence have beenanalyzed in the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans. (Unlikethe case of eukaryotic unicellular green or red algae, the fastfluorescence induction characteristics of the prokaryotic blue-greenalgae had not been documented before.)
  2. Dark adapted cellsof Anacystis exhibit two types of fluctuationsin the fluorescenceyield when excited with bright orange light(absorbed mainlyin phycocyanin). The first kinetic patterncalled the fast (sec)fluorescence transient exhibits a characteristicoriginal levelO, intermediary hump I, a pronounced dip D, peakP and a transitorysmall decline to a quasi steady state S.After attaining S,fluorescence yield slowly rises to a maximumlevel M. From M,the decline in fluorescence yield to a terminalT level is extremelyslow as shown earlier by Papageorgiou andGovindjee (8). Ascompared with green and red algae, blue-greenalgae seem tohave a small PS decline and a very characteristicslow SM rise,with a M level much higher than the peak P.
  3. A prolonged darkadaptation and relatively high intensity ofexciting illuminationare required to evoke DPS type yield fluctuationsin Anacystis.At low to moderate intensities of exciting light,the time forthe development of P depends on light doses, butfor M, thisremains constant at these intensities.
  4. Fluorescence emissionwas heterogeneous during the inductionperiod in Anacystis;the P and the M levels were relativelyenriched in short-wavelengthsystem II Chi a emission as comparedto D and S levels.
  5. Thefast DPS transient was found to be affected by electrontransportcofactor (methyl viologen), and inhibitors (e.g.,DCMU, NH2OH)in a manner suggesting that these changes are mostlyrelatedto the oxido-reduction level of intermediates betweenthe twophotosystems. On the other hand, the slow SM changesin fluorescenceyield, as reported earlier (5, 15), paralleloxygen evolution.These changes were found to be resistant toa variety of electrontransport inhibitors (O-phenanthroline,HOQNO, salicylaldoxime,DCMU, NH2OH and Antimycin a). It issuggested that, in Anacystis,even in the presence of so-calledinhibitors of cyclic electronflow, a "high energy state" isstill produced.
  6. Measurementsof Chlorophyll a fluorescence and delayed lightemission inthe presence of both DCMU and NH2OH indicate thatthe slow SMchanges are not due to the recovery of the reactioncenter IIin darkness preceeding illumination.
  7. Our results, thus, suggestthat in Anacystis a net electrontransport supported oxidation-reductionstate of the quencherQ regulates only partially the developmentof the DPS transient,but the development of the slow fluorescenceyield changes seemsnot to be regulated by these reactions.It appears, from datapresented elsewhere, that the slow risein the yield resultsdue to a structural modification of thethylakoid membrane.
1We are grateful to the National Science Foundation for financialsupport. (Received November 21, 1972; )
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