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Prevalence of the virulence plasmids of nontyphoid Salmonella in the serovars isolated from humans and their association with bacteremia.
Authors:C H Chiu  T Y Lin  J T Ou
Affiliation:Department of Medicine, Chang Gung Children's Hospital, Kweishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan. chnchiu@ms34.hinet.net
Abstract:To determine if the virulence plasmid is one of the elements contributing to Salmonella bacteremia in humans, 436 clinical Salmonella isolates of different serovars were examined by a specific multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for the presence of a virulence plasmid. These serovars showed differences in their ability to produce particular disease syndrome in humans. In the serovars usually causing bacteremia without concomitant gastroenteritis (primary bacteremia), i.e., S. choleraesuis, S. dublin, and S. enteritidis in this study, the rate of virulence plasmid carriage was 100%, while among those occasionally generating bacteremia following an episode of gastroenteritis (secondary bacteremia), the majority were plasmidless. Only a portion of S. typhimurium strains harbored a virulence plasmid; however, the rates of virulence plasmid carriage in S. typhimurium were not statistically different between non-fecal and fecal isolates (90% vs. 85%, 0.1 < P < 0.9). These results indicate that the virulence plasmids may be important for primary bacteremia, but not secondary bacteremia, to occur.
Keywords:nontyphoid salmonella  virulence plasmid  bacteremia
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