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The use of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release kinetics for the evaluation of death and growth of mammalian cells in perfusion reactors
Authors:Wagner A  Marc A  Engasser J M  Einsele A
Affiliation:Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Laboratoire des Sciences du Génie Chimique, CNRS-Ensic-Ensaia, 1, rue Grandville, BP 451, 54001 Nancy Cedex, France.
Abstract:A general methodology is proposed to estimate the actual specific growth and death rate of mammalian cells in continuous perfusion reactors from the monitoring of the release of the cytoplasmic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the culture medium. The procedure is illustrated on a perfusion culture of human tumor kidney cells growing on microcarriers and producing prourokinase (PUK). The intracellular LDH content of living attached cells is checked to be constant during the culture. However, cells detached from the microcarriers, and counted dead because of the uptake of trypan blue, have only released part of their intracellular LDH. In the culture medium, LDH is relatively stable as the loss of activity does not exceed 5% per day. The time variation of the LDH concentration in the medium is used to calculate the total amount of lysed and actually produced cells in the reactors, hence, the actual specific rates of cell growth and death. It is thus found that the stationary phase observed after 400 h of perfusion culture is the result of equal growth and death rates, with a daily renewal of living cells on the microcarriers near 10%. Moreover, for the cell line tested, the production of PUK is associated with cellular growth.
Keywords:lactate dehydrogenase  proliferation  death  prourokinase  perfusion  tumor kidney cells  microcarriers
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