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Ion Transport and the Effects of Acetic Acid in White Clover: II. POTASSIUM ABSORPTION
Abstract:Dunlop, J., Knighton, M. V. and White, D. W. R. 1988. Ion transportand the effects of acetic acid in white clover. II. Potassiumabsorption.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 89–96. Acetic acid stimulated K+ influx into cells of white cloverin suspension culture and net K+ influx by roots of intact whiteclover plants. At concentrations of acetic acid up to 2·0mol m–3 the stimulation continued unabated for at least2 h. However, at higher concentrations the rate of absorptiondeclined to near zero values after 2 h. When acetic acid wasremoved from the solution there was a net efflux of K+. Thestimulation was pH dependent with a maximum at pH 5·0.There was maximum stimulation at an acetic acid concentrationof 2·0 mol m–3 Net H+ efflux was reduced by 1·0 mol m–3 aceticacid. When Rb+ uptake and H+ efflux were measured at a rangeof RbCl concentrations Rb+ uptake increased with concentrationwhereas H+ efflux was maximum in the absence of Rb+ (and K+)and decreased as RbCl concentration was increased Acetic acid caused a hyperpolarization of the membrane electricalpotential difference ({Delta}E) of about 25 mV. In 1·0 mol m–3acetic acid the hyperpolarization persisted for at least 2 hwhereas at 10 mol m–3 d E subsequently depolarized tovalues around –80 mV. With a slight lag, the time courseof the stimulation of the rate of K+ absorption followed thepolarization and depolarization of {Delta}E. These results imply thatthe linkage between K+ and H+ movements is probably through{Delta}E. Key words: Proton efflux, membrane electrical potential difference, Trifolium repens
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