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Efficient nonparametric estimation of causal effects in randomized trials with noncompliance
Authors:Cheng, Jing   Small, Dylan S.   Tan, Zhiqiang   Ten Have, Thomas R.
Affiliation:Division of Biostatistics, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida 32610, U.S.A. jcheng{at}biostat.ufl.edu
Abstract:Causal approaches based on the potential outcome framework providea useful tool for addressing noncompliance problems in randomizedtrials. We propose a new estimator of causal treatment effectsin randomized clinical trials with noncompliance. We use theempirical likelihood approach to construct a profile randomsieve likelihood and take into account the mixture structurein outcome distributions, so that our estimator is robust toparametric distribution assumptions and provides substantialfinite-sample efficiency gains over the standard instrumentalvariable estimator. Our estimator is asymptotically equivalentto the standard instrumental variable estimator, and it canbe applied to outcome variables with a continuous, ordinal orbinary scale. We apply our method to data from a randomizedtrial of an intervention to improve the treatment of depressionamong depressed elderly patients in primary care practices.
Keywords:Causal effect    Efficient nonparametric estimation    Empirical likelihood    Instrumental variable    Noncompliance    Randomized trial
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