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The Seasonal Pattern of Growth and Production of a Temperate C4 Species, Cyperus longus
Abstract:Growth and production of the temperate C4 species Cyperus longusL. was measured throughout a growing season in an establishedplot in Eastern Ireland. The maximum standing live biomass reachedwas 2·5 kg m–2. Estimates of unit leaf rate (ULR)and leaf area index (LAI) were made. The product of these quantitiesgave the crop growth rate (CGR) each week. C. longus was foundto maintain high values of LAI throughout the summer, with amaximum value of about 13 in early August. CGR reached a peakin early July. The optimum LAI was 11·6. Temperaturesat five levels in the plant canopy, and the amount of solarradiation intercepted by the canopy were measured continuouslyduring the summer. The mean daily rate of leaf extension waspositively correlated with the mean daily air temperature abovethe canopy but the temperature coefficient of the process waslow compared with other temperate species. The percentage ofsolar radiation intercepted by the canopy increased rapidlyin early summer, and canopy closure had occurred by mid-June.Rates of net photosynthesis were measured on young and old leafmaterial in situ at the time of peak LAI. In young leaves themaximum rates of net photosynthesis were higher than those publishedfor a range of temperate C3 species, but similar to those foundin another temperate C4 species, Spartina townsendii. Key words: C4 photosynthesis, leaf growth, productivity
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