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Contributions of leaf photosynthetic capacity, leaf angle and self-shading to the maximization of net photosynthesis in Acer saccharum: a modelling assessment
Authors:Posada Juan M  Sievänen Risto  Messier Christian  Perttunen Jari  Nikinmaa Eero  Lechowicz Martin J
Affiliation:Centre d'étude de la Forêt (CEF), Département des Sciences Biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC H3C3P8, Canada. juan.posada@urosario.edu.co

Background and Aims

Plants are expected to maximize their net photosynthetic gains and efficiently use available resources, but the fundamental principles governing trade-offs in suites of traits related to resource-use optimization remain uncertain. This study investigated whether Acer saccharum (sugar maple) saplings could maximize their net photosynthetic gains through a combination of crown structure and foliar characteristics that let all leaves maximize their photosynthetic light-use efficiency (ɛ).


A functional–structural model, LIGNUM, was used to simulate individuals of different leaf area index (LAIind) together with a genetic algorithm to find distributions of leaf angle (LA) and leaf photosynthetic capacity (Amax) that maximized net carbon gain at the whole-plant level. Saplings grown in either the open or in a forest gap were simulated with Amax either unconstrained or constrained to an upper value consistent with reported values for Amax in A. saccharum.

Key Results

It was found that total net photosynthetic gain was highest when whole-plant PPFD absorption and leaf ɛ were simultaneously maximized. Maximization of ɛ required simultaneous adjustments in LA and Amax along gradients of PPFD in the plants. When Amax was constrained to a maximum, plants growing in the open maximized their PPFD absorption but not ɛ because PPFD incident on leaves was higher than the PPFD at which ɛmax was attainable. Average leaf ɛ in constrained plants nonetheless improved with increasing LAIind because of an increase in self-shading.


It is concluded that there are selective pressures for plants to simultaneously maximize both PPFD absorption at the scale of the whole individual and ɛ at the scale of leaves, which requires a highly integrated response between LA, Amax and LAIind. The results also suggest that to maximize ɛ plants have evolved mechanisms that co-ordinate the LA and Amax of individual leaves with PPFD availability.
Keywords:Acer saccharum   sugar maple   canopy architecture   functional–structural modelling   LIGNUM   scaling   photosynthetic light-use efficiency   leaf Amax   leaf angle   nitrogen   resource use   optimization   plant evolution   plasticity   acclimation
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