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The influences of task difficulty and response correctness on neural systems supporting fluid reasoning
Authors:M. Layne Kalbfleisch  John W. Van Meter  Thomas A. Zeffiro
Affiliation:(1) Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA;(2) Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study and College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MS 2A1, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
Abstract:This functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study examined neural contributions to managing task difficulty and response correctness during fluid reasoning. Previous studies investigate reasoning by independently varying visual complexity or task difficulty, or the specific domain. Under natural conditions these factors interact in a complex manner to support dynamic combinations of perceptual and conceptual processes. This study investigated fluid reasoning under circumstances that would represent the cognitive flexibility of real life decision-making. Results from a mixed effects analysis corrected for multiple comparisons indicate involvement of cortical and subcortical areas during fluid reasoning. A 2 × 2 ANOVA illustrates activity related to variances in task difficulty correlated with increased blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD)-signal in the left middle frontal gyrus (BA6). Activity related to response correctness correlated with increased BOLD-signal in a larger, distributed system including right middle frontal gyrus (BA6), right superior parietal lobule (BA7), left inferior parietal lobule (BA40), left lingual gyrus (BA19), and left cerebellum (Lobule VI). The dissociation of function in left BA 6 for task difficulty and right BA6 for response correctness and the involvement of a more diffuse network involving the left cerebellum in response correctness extends knowledge about contributions of classic motor and premotor areas supporting higher level cognition.
Keywords:fMRI   Matrix reasoning   Middle frontal gyrus   Brodmann area 6   Cerebellum   Fluid reasoning   Cognitive flexibility
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