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Population structure and anthropometric variation in rural western Ireland: Isolation by distance and analysis of the residuals
Authors:John H. Relethford  Francis C. Lees  Michael H. Crawford
Abstract:The study of human population structure allows the assessment of cultural and historical influences on mating probabilities, and, hence, genetic variation. A commonly used model is isolation by distance, which predicts a negative exponential relationship between genetic similarity and geographic distance. Anthropometric data collected during the 1930's for 261 adult women in 12 towns of rural western Ireland were used to test the isolation by distance model and to assess the influence of cultural factors upon the fit of the model. The effects of recent migration were tested by using two additional data subsets, one excluding known intercounty migrants and the other consisting of unmarried women, only in an attempt to control partially for local migration upon marriage. Deviations from the expected isolation by distance model were analyzed using rotational fitting and regression analysis. Estimates of the isolation by distance parameters agree closely with independent estimates from isonymy and with estimates obtained in other studies of rural European population structure. Analysis of the residuals indicates three major factors which contribute to deviations from the expected model: recent migration upon marriage, age variation among groups, and variation in population size and/or transportation opportunities. Variation in population size was tested using the gravity model of economic geography by regressing the residuals from the isolation by distance model for each pair of towns on the product of their population sizes. The best fit occurred for the unmarried sample, as expected from ethnographic evidence, since rural–urban migration was most common among unmarried women.
Keywords:Population structure  Isolation by distance  Bioassay of kinship  Anthropoemetrics  Residual analysis  Ireland
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