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Low Dose Fractionated Radiation Potentiates the Effects of Taxotere in Nude Mice Xenografts of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck
Abstract:This study evaluated the combined effect of Low Dose Fractionated Radiation (LDFRT) and Taxotere (TXT) therapy on the growth of SCCHN (squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck; SQ-20B, a p53 mutant SCCHN cell line) tumors in a nude mouse model to exploit the increased hyper radiation sensitivity (HRS) phenomenon present in G2M cell cycle phase when induced by low doses of radiation that was demonstrated in in-vitro settings. Seventy-eight animals were randomized into one control group and 5 treatment groups (treatments were administered weekly for six weeks). Tumor regression was observed in all the groups, however, tumor regression was not significant in 2 Gy or TXT or 2 Gy plus TXT treated groups when compared to control group. The tumor regression was significant in both the LDFRT group (p
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