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The influence of salinity on the utilization of root anaplerotic carbon and nitrogen metabolism in tomato seedlings
Authors:Cramer, M.D.   Schierholt, A.   Wang, Y.Z.   Lips, S.H.
Abstract:In hydroponically grown Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv.F144 the site of NO3– reduction and assimilation withinthe plant was shifted from the shoot to the root by salinity.Uptake of NO3– from the root solution was strongly inhibitedby salinization. Consequently, NO3– concentrations inthe leaf, stem and root tissues as well as the nitrate reductaseactivities of the leaves were lower in salinized than in controlplants. Lower NO3–, but higher reduced-N, concentrationswere observed in the xylem sap as a result of the enhanced participationof the root in NO3– reduction in salinized plants. Lowerstem K+ concentrations and leaf malate concentrations were foundin salinized compared to control plants which indicates reducedfunctioning of the K+–shuttle in the salinized plants. Incorporation of inorganic carbon by the root was determinedby supplying a pulse of NaH14CO3 followed by extraction andseparation of the labelled products on ion exchange resins.The rate of H14CO3– incorporation was c. 2-fold higherin control than in salinized plants. In salinized plants theproducts of H14CO3– incorporation within the roots werediverted into amino acids, while the control plants divertedrelatively more 14C into organic acids. Products of inorganiccarbon incorporation in the roots of salinized plants providean anaplerotic source of carbon for assimilation of reducedNO3– into amino acids, while in control plants the productswere predominantly organic acids as part of mechanisms to maintainionic balance in the cells and in the xylem sap. Key words: Tomato, nitrate, PEPc, respiration, salinity
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