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Tolerance induced by grafting semi-allogeneic adult skin to larval Xenopus laevis: Possible involvement of specific suppressor cell activity
Authors:Toshihiro Nakamura,Mitsugu Maé  no ,Shin Tochinai,Chiaki Katagiri
Affiliation:Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Abstract:Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-homozygous Xenopus laevis were rendered tolerant to semi-allogeneic antigens by grafting skins of adult frogs during larval stages (larvally induced tolerance), and this tolerant state was compared with the tolerance induced in early thymectomized frogs by the grafting of semi-allogeneic nonlymphoid thymuses (thymus-reconstituted tolerance). In contrast to a total inability of thymus-reconstituted frogs both to reject skins and to exhibit a mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) against the semi-allogeneic donor, larvally induced tolerant frogs showed a strong MLR against leukocytes of the tolerizing skin donor (split tolerance). Breakdown of the tolerant state in thymus-reconstituted frogs were easily accomplished by inoculation with syngeneic splenocytes, but this breakdown was extremely difficult to achieve in frogs with larvally induced tolerance. The injection of splenocytes from larvally induced tolerant frogs into normal frogs significantly suppressed semi-allogeneic graft rejection in the latter group; no suppression was obtained when splenocytes from thymus-reconstituted frogs were used. In addition, in the thymectomized frogs, recovery of allograft rejection capacity against the pertinent semi-allogeneic antigens were suppressed by the injection of splenocytes from larvally induced tolerant frogs, with the degree of suppression depending on the splenocyte dose. These results indicate that the larvally induced tolerant state is maintained by specifically induced suppressor cells affecting the in vivo allograft response but not the MLR.
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