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Lignin genetic engineering
Authors:Alain M. Boudet  Jacqueline Grima-Pettenati
Affiliation:(1) Centre de Biologie et Physiologie Végétales, URA CNRS 1941, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex, France
Abstract:Although lignins play important roles in plants, they often represent an obstacle to the utilization of plant biomass in different areas: pulp industry, forage digestibility. The recent characterization of different lignification genes has stimulated research programmes aimed at modifying the lignin profiles of plants through genetic engineering (antisense and sense suppression of gene expression). The first transgenic plants with a modification of monomeric composition of lignins and lignin content have been recently obtained. Down regulation of the OMT gene induces dramatic reduction of syringyl units. CAD down regulated plants exhibit a unusual red phenotype associated with the developing xylem and several chemical modifications of their lignins including an increase in cinnamaldehydes in the polymer structure. Interestingly this novel lignin is removed more easily during the pulping process. In both OMT and CAD down regulated plants no changes in phenotypic characteristics such as growth architecture and morphology were observed. More recent experiments have shown that a reduction of CCR activity determines specific changes in the coloration of the xylem area suggesting significant chemical modifications which are currently being studied.These different results show that it is possible to manipulate lignins through targeted genetic transformation of plants and that lignins exhibit a relative flexibility of their chemical structure. Future developments should probe the impact of down regulating the expression of other recently characterized lignification genes such as F5H and CCoAOMT and also of a combination of genes in order to tailor lignins more adapted to specific purposes. In addition to biotechnological applications which should provide important economical benefits for utilization of wood in the pulp industry, genetic engineering of lignins offer very promising perspectives for the understanding of lignin synthesis, structure and properties.
Keywords:antisense strategy  cell wall  genetic transformation  lignins  mutants  pulp industry
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