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引用本文:刘映红 李隆术. 桔全爪螨与柑桔相互作用的研究[J]. 蛛形学报, 1995, 4(2): 103-110
作者姓名:刘映红 李隆术
作者单位:西南农业大学植保系,西南农业大学植保系,西南农业大学植保系 重庆 630716,重庆 630716,重庆 630716
摘    要:研究了不同柑桔品种对桔全爪螨Panonychuscitri(McG)种群的影响,桔全爪螨危害对柑桔生理的影响以及柑桔叶片受受后对桔全爪螨种群的反馈作用,结果表明:供试的10个柑桔品种对桔全爪螨种群生长发育,繁殖时明显的影响,品种间存在感螨性差异。

关 键 词:桔全爪螨 柑桔 相互作用 生理受害 反馈作用

Liu Yinghong,Li Longshu and Zhao Zhimo. STUDIES ON INTERACTION OF CITRUS RED MITE PANONYCHUS CITRI (McG) POPULATION AND CITRUS[J]. Acta Arachnologica Sinica, 1995, 4(2): 103-110
Authors:Liu Yinghong  Li Longshu  Zhao Zhimo
Abstract:Experiments to study the effects of different citrus varieties on citrus red mit-1 pulation,the physiological responses of citrus to the mite feeding injury and the effects of citrus leaf injury on the mite population were conducted in 1989 -1990,in Chongqing,China. Results showed the ten citrus varieties tested influenced markedly the grouth, development and reproduction of the mite. Intervarietal differences were noticed in the susceptibility to the mite. Citrus tangerina cv. Dahongpao, C. aurantium Linn and C. Limon (L. ) Burm cv. Eureka were highly susceptible to the mite. C. reticulata Blanco, C. sinensis cv. Hamlim and C. grandis cv. shiki were less susceptible. Washingtor navel orange (C. sinessis) , Jinchen sweet orange (C. sinensis) and C. unshui cv. Migakawa and cv. okitsu showed moderate susceptibitity to the mite. The accumulative infestation by the mite population resulted in a decrease in Chlorophyll and water contents and in phyotosynthesis intensity. The vegetative state of injured leaves was aggravated. The contents of reducing sugar,total amino acids and K were reduced as the mite-day index increased. Damaged citrus leaves became smaller in size and their dry weight per unit area decreased. The decreasing rate (mite number/leaf. day)of the mite population was closely related to the mite population density in the peak period and to the decreasing rates of contents of amino acids,total N,K, reducing sugar and water in the injured leaves. A damaged leaf percentage of above 60% significantly reduced the average egg number of female adult mites. Under the condition of accumulative mite - day equivalence, only infestation by high density population exerted a significant influence on the physionlogical and vegetative state of the injured leaves .which in turn affected the reproduction ability of the pest population.
Keywords:Panonychus citri (McG) Citrus Interaction Physiological injury Feedback action Susceptibility
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