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引用本文:唐佳敏,杨道德,曹越,李佳琦,张志强. 基于红外相机技术的白鹇日活动节律分化研究——以都庞岭和大围山种群为例[J]. 生态学报, 2024, 44(6): 2621-2631
作者姓名:唐佳敏  杨道德  曹越  李佳琦  张志强
作者单位:1. 中南林业科技大学野生动植物保护研究所;2. 生态环境部南京环境科学研究所
摘    要:种群行为分化是物种适应环境的基础,而同一物种不同地理种群活动节律的分化是体现其生态适应的重要内容。不同地理种群活动节律的分化是由生态条件和种间竞争等因素引起的,研究不同地理种群物种活动节律的分化,有助于对种群的动态管理和保护。为研究同一物种在不同分布区域的年周期行为节律,通过提取2017年10月至2018年9月在湖南都庞岭国家级自然保护区和湖南浏阳大围山省级自然保护区分别布设的60台红外相机中监测到的白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)种群数据,利用核密度估计方法(kernel Density Estimation)和雅各布斯选择指数(Jacobs Selection Index, JSI)对白鹇的日活动节律和日活动时间选择进行了构建与比对,同时采用皮尔逊相关系数(Pearson correlation coefficient)及T检验(T-Test)分析了两个异域分布的白鹇种群活动节律的分化趋势。结果表明:都庞岭分布的白鹇在全年和冷季的日活动节律为单峰模式,暖季为双峰模式;大围山分布的白鹇在全年的日活动节律为连续多峰模式,冷季和暖季为单峰模式。在活动时段的选择上,都庞岭分布的...

关 键 词:白鹇  日活动节律  种群行为分化  湖南都庞岭国家级自然保护区  湖南浏阳大围山省级自然保护区

Daily activity rhythm differentiation of Silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera) by using infrared camera: studying Dupangling and Daweishan populations in Hunan Province, China
TANG Jiamin,YANG Daode,CAO Yue,LI Jiaqi,ZHANG Zhiqiang. Daily activity rhythm differentiation of Silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera) by using infrared camera: studying Dupangling and Daweishan populations in Hunan Province, China[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2024, 44(6): 2621-2631
Authors:TANG Jiamin  YANG Daode  CAO Yue  LI Jiaqi  ZHANG Zhiqiang
Affiliation:Institute of Wildlife Conservation, Central South University of Forestry Technology, Changsha 410004, China;Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People''s Republic of China, Nanjing 210042, China
Abstract:Population behavior differentiation is the basis for species to adapt to the environment, while the differentiation of geographic-based activity rhythms of various populations that belong to one species is an essential part of ecological adaptation. Such geographic-varied activity rhythms of species populations are mainly determined by the ecological conditions and interspecific competition. Thus, understanding the geographic-differentiated activity rhythm can contribute to the management and protection of populations in a dynamic manner. In order to study the annually behavioral patterns of different populations that dwell geographical differently, population data of Silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera) was collected from sixty infrared cameras (from October 2017 to September 2018) were utilized in Hunan Dupangling National Nature Reserve and Hunan Liuyang Daweishan Provincial Nature Reserve, respectively. The kernel density estimation method and the Jacobs Selection Index (JSI) were adopted to construct and compare the daily activity rhythm and the daily time nodes for this species, while the differentiation trends of activity rhythm between the two populations were analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient and T-test. The findings indicated a single-peak mode of the daily rhythm of silver pheasant in Dupangling all through the year and in cold season, and a dual-peak mode in the warm season. Notably, an obvious seasonal reversal was characterized with continuous multi-peak throughout the year, and a single-peak mode in both cold and warm seasons for Silver pheasant in Daweishan. In terms of time selection, Silver pheasants in Dupangling were more likely active in the morning through the whole year and the warm year (JSI=0.497, JSI=0.461), and tended to be more active at midday in the warm season (JSI=0.593). In addition, sunsets were negative choices throughout the year and different seasons (JSI<0) in this population. However, Silver pheasants in the Daweishan were more frequently active in afternoon all around the year and the cold year (JSI=0.454, JSI=0.673), and preferred to be active in the morning (JSI=0.423) in the warm season. While, sunsets were positive choices by these populations in the warm season (JSI=0.082). According to the activity time overlap coefficient, the results showed the overlap coefficient reached the highest degree (Dhat=0.92) between the two geographic populations of Silver pheasant in the warm season, in which the activity frequency of the two geographical populations was the most differentiated by activity frequency correlation analysis (Cor=-0.92, P<0.01). Comprehensive analysis suggested that the reasons for the activity rhythm differentiation of Silver pheasants were temperature adaptation, human interference avoidance, and abundance pressure of competitors and predators in Dupangling and Daweishan. The study provided both empirical clue for the future research that explores the daily activity rhythm differentiation of pheasants and theoretical support for the population management and habitat protection of silver pheasant.
Keywords:Silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera)  daily activity rhythm  population behavior differentiation  Hunan Dupangling National Nature Reserve  Hunan Liuyang Daweishan Provincial Nature Reserve
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