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The role of conformity in foraging when personal and social information conflict
Authors:Kendal, Rachel L.   Coolen, Isabelle   Laland, Kevin N.
Affiliation:Subdepartment of Animal Behaviour, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Madingley, Cambridge CB3 8AA, UK
Abstract:There is currently considerable interest in the interplay betweenpersonal and social information in decision-making processes.Two experiments are presented exploring the relative use ofprior personal information and subsequent social informationin foraging decisions of guppies. Experiment 1 tested the assumptionthat when the use of information acquired through personal experienceis not costly, conflicting social information will be ignored.The assumption was confirmed because, when given a choice betweenfeeding at two food patches, at one of which they had previouslyseen conspecifics feed, individual fish with prior experienceof feeding at the alternative site chose the alternative, whereasfish with no prior experience chose the site at which theirconspecifics had fed. Experiment 2 tested theoretical predictionsthat when the use of information acquired through personal experienceis potentially costly, conflicting social information will beweighed more heavily than will personal information. The predictionwas confirmed because, when given a choice between feeding attwo food patches, one at which they had previously seen conspecificsfeed and one behind a visual barrier, individual fish with priorexperience of feeding behind the barrier chose the site at whichtheir conspecifics had fed. These findings suggest that conformitycan promote social learning in naïve individuals, but priorexperience can insulate individuals from conformity providedthe costs of relying on that experience are small. In addition,the experiments highlight the fact that personal and socialinformation are not always weighed equally.
Keywords:conformity   guppy   personal information   social foraging   social learning.
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