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Promotive Effect of C18-Unsaturated Fatty Acids on the Abscission of Bean Petiole Explants
Authors:Ueda, Junichi   Morita, Yasushi   Kato, Jiro
Affiliation:1College of Integrated Arts and Sciences, University of Osaka Prefecture Mozu-Umemachi, Sakai, Osaka, 591 Japan
2Okayama University of Science Ridai-cho, Okayama, 700 Japan
Abstract:The abscission-promoting effects of C18-unsaturated fatty acidswere studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Masterpiece)petiole explants with the junction between the petiole and thepulvinus in the primary leaves in the light. Linolenic, linoleicand oleic acids promoted the abscission of the explants in thelight. Linolenic acid was the most effective among the compoundstested and its promotive effect was evident without any accompanyingincrease in the production of ethylene from the explants, ascompared with non-treated explants. Linolenic acid is easilyconverted to its hydroperoxide during the incubation with explants,as indicated by the formation of the conjugated diene and thegeneration of ethane. The production of ethylene from the explantstreated with linolenic acid was completely inhibited by theaddition of aminoethoxyvi-nylglycine (AVG), but large amountsof ethane were still generated. The promotive effect of linolenicacid was almost eliminated by the addition of scavengers offree radicals. Hydrogen peroxide and tert-butyl hydroperoxidepromoted abscission in the light. From these results, we concludedthat the abscission-promoting effect of linolenic acid are notmediated by the effect of ethylene but by the effect of itshydroperoxide, while the well-established pathway for the biosynthesisof ethylene from S-adenosylmethionine to ethylene, via 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid (ACC), was apparently operative. (Received May 1, 1991; Accepted July 10, 1991)
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