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Continuous measurement of tympanic temperature with a new infrared method using an optical fiber
Authors:Shibasaki, Manabu   Kondo, Narihiko   Tominaga, Hirotaka   Aoki, Ken   Hasegawa, Eiichi   Idota, Yoshiyuki   Moriwaki, Toshimichi
Abstract:The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the utility of an infrared tympanicthermometry by using an optical fiber for measuring tympanictemperature (Tty). In the headcooling and facial fanning tests during normothermia, rightTty measured by this method(infrared-Tty) and esophagealtemperature (Tes) were notaffected by decreased temple and forehead skin temperatures, suggestingthat the infrared sensor in this system measured the infrared radiationfrom the tympanic membrane selectively. Eight male subjects took partin passive-heat-stress and progressive-exercise tests. No significantdifferences among infrared-Tty,the left Tty measured bythermistor (contact-Tty), andTes were observed at rest or atthe end of each experiment, and there was no significant difference inthe increase in these core temperatures from rest to theend. Furthermore, there were no significant differences inthe core temperature threshold at the onset of sweating and slope (therelationship of sweating rate vs.infrared-Tty and vs.contact-Tty). Theseresults suggest that this method makes it possible to measureTty accurately, continuously, andmore safely.

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