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The Effect of Methionine Sulphoximine on the Absorption of Ammonium by Maize and Barley Roots over Short Periods
Authors:LEE, R. B.   AYLING, S. M.
Abstract:Pre-treating intact, ammonium-grown plants of maize and barleywith the glutamine synthetase inhibitor, L-methionine sulphoximine(MSO), increased subsequent accumulation of 13N or 15N fromlabelled ammonium very markedly—up to 8-fold in extremecases. The phenonemon could not be satisfactorily explainedin terms of an effect of MSO on the cation-exchange propertiesof the root free space, because neither potassium (86Rb+) norsodium absorption was enhanced by MSO pretreatment, and rapidabsorption of ammonium continued for too long in relation tothe likely free-space content of a monovalent cation. Instead,the response is seen as a consequence of the enlargement ofthe cytoplasmic and vacuolar ammonium pools that occurs whenammonium assimilation is inhibited by MSO. The results, whichincluded comparisons between short-term and longer-term ratesof ammonium absorption, provide tentative evidence of rapidfluxes of ammonium through the plasma membrane. Key words: Cytoplasm, vacuole, flux, transport
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