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Oleoyl Coenzyme A Regulates Interaction of Transcriptional Regulator RaaS (Rv1219c) with DNA in Mycobacteria
Authors:Obolbek Turapov  Simon J. Waddell  Bernard Burke  Sarah Glenn  Asel A. Sarybaeva  Griselda Tudo  Gilles Labesse  Danielle I. Young  Michael Young  Peter W. Andrew  Philip D. Butcher  Martin Cohen-Gonsaud  Galina V. Mukamolova
Abstract:We have recently shown that RaaS (regulator of antimicrobial-assisted survival), encoded by Rv1219c in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and by bcg_1279c in Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin, plays an important role in mycobacterial survival in prolonged stationary phase and during murine infection. Here, we demonstrate that long chain acyl-CoA derivatives (oleoyl-CoA and, to lesser extent, palmitoyl-CoA) modulate RaaS binding to DNA and expression of the downstream genes that encode ATP-dependent efflux pumps. Moreover, exogenously added oleic acid influences RaaS-mediated mycobacterial improvement of survival and expression of the RaaS regulon. Our data suggest that long chain acyl-CoA derivatives serve as biological indicators of the bacterial metabolic state. Dysregulation of efflux pumps can be used to eliminate non-growing mycobacteria.
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