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A synopsis of the sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) of America south of the United States: introduction, Xyelidae, Pamphiliidae, Cimbicidae, Diprionidae, Xiphydriidae, Siricidae, Orussidae, Cephidae
Affiliation:Systematic Entomology Laboratory, BBII, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Abstract:Abstract Eight families of Symphyta for the Western Hemisphere south of the United States are reviewed: Xyelidae (one genus, two species), Pamphiliidae (one genus, four species), Cimbicidae (five genera, nine species), Diprionidae (three genera, thirteen species), Xiphydriidae (four genera, seventeen species), Siricidae (six genera, nine species), Orussidae (five genera, twelve species), and Cephidae (one genus, one species). New taxa are Acantholyda nigrostigmata (Pamphiliidae); Zadiprionfalsus, Neodiprion bicolor, N.equalis, N.omosus (Diprionidae); Derecyrta circularis, Steirocephala lateralba (Xiphydriidae); Sirotremex, S.flammeus (Siricidae); and Ophrynopus depressatus, O.plaumanni (Orussidae). Lopesiana is a new name for Lopesia Conde (Cimbicidae). Three new combinations and six new synonyms are proposed. The Xyelidae, Pamphiliidae, Diprionidae, Siricidae and Cephidae are primarily northern groups with southern extensions into Mexico, Central America and/or Cuba. The Cimbicidae, Xiphydriidae and Orussidae are more generally distributed throughout the neotropics. Keys to families, genera and species are provided.
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