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引用本文:张瑞英,席建超,姚予龙,葛全胜. 基于视觉廊道的青藏铁路沿线旅游动态景观评价[J]. 生态学报, 2014, 34(12): 3320-3330
作者姓名:张瑞英  席建超  姚予龙  葛全胜
作者单位:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101;天津农学院, 天津 300384;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101
摘    要:青藏铁路作为一种重要的"线性"廊道,不仅起着重要的区域连接作用,促进着区域经济和社会发展,还具有旅游观光和体验的功能。基于游客视角对青藏铁路沿线10个自然景观段进行了青藏铁路沿线旅游动态景观评价研究。详细界定了铁路沿线动态景观评价的对象,构建了"游客眼"——青藏铁路沿线动态景观评价模型。动态景观评价是基于旅游列车在行进过程中以旅游者的眼睛感受到的景观质量高低——景观基底(包括地貌景观多样性、动植物点缀度、人文景观丰富度等),在列车行进过程中哪些景观能被游客捕捉到受到景观视域(包括相对坡度、景观在视域内出现几率、距离的远近等)的制约,哪些景观能被游客留下深刻印象要受到景观美感(包括色彩、奇异罕见景观、水体配置等)的影响。搭建了青藏铁路沿线旅游动态景观评价指标体系,青藏铁路沿线旅游动态景观评价指标体系包括沿线景观基底指标、景观视域评价指标和景观动态美感指标3个类指标和9个基础指标,动态景观评价指标的选择和权重确定主要采用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP),动态景观评价主要是基于模糊综合评判方法。通过对青藏铁路沿线10个自然景观段的各指标量化打分以及计算,结果发现:青藏铁路沿线不同景观带给游客的感受差异很大,10个旅游景观段的景观质量从高到低排序为:念青唐古拉宽谷盆地高寒草原草甸景观段、昆仑高山荒漠与荒漠草原景观段、可可西里—长江源宽谷高寒草原景观段、唐古拉极高山高寒草甸景观段、青海湖盆地草甸草原景观段、怒江源宽谷高寒草甸景观段、拉萨河谷灌丛草原景观段、柴达木盆地东北亚高山荒漠草原景观段、湟水谷地温性草原景观段、柴达木盆地盐湖戈壁荒漠景观段。其中旅游动态景观质量极高的有1个,旅游动态景观质量较高的有6个,旅游动态景观质量一般的有2个,旅游动态景观质量低的有1个。客观评估青藏铁路沿线各景观段的景观,有助于游客预知和了解青藏铁路途中旅游景观质量,对于地方相关部门指导青藏铁路旅游业的发展和景观管理、打造、开发、决策提供了参考依据。

关 键 词:青藏铁路  景观段  动态景观  评价

Evaluation of tourism dynamic landscape along Qinghai-Tibet railway based on the visual corridor
ZHANG Ruiying,XI Jianchao,YAO Yulong and GE Quansheng. Evaluation of tourism dynamic landscape along Qinghai-Tibet railway based on the visual corridor[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014, 34(12): 3320-3330
Authors:ZHANG Ruiying  XI Jianchao  YAO Yulong  GE Quansheng
Affiliation:Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China;Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract:As the most important "linear" corridor in northwest China, Qinghai Tibet Railway not only plays an important role in promoting regional connection,but also has great sightseeing value. This paper has a evaluation about tourism dynamic landscape quality of 10 natural landscape belts along Qinghai-Tibet railway from tourists'perspective. Firstly, this paper gives an exact definition of evaluation object along the railway, and constructs "Tourist-Eye" evaluation model which is based on tourists' visual experience during the journey. Landscape matrix, including landscape diversity, animal and plant ornament and cultural landscape richness is the first thing coming into view. Which landscape can be captured by tourists depends on the vision field condition including the relative slope, probability of appearing in tourists' view, distance, etc. While, landscape aesthetic characteristics, like color, rare degree of landscape and water allocation, determine which landscape can impress tourists. Secondly, this paper builds an evaluation index system, consisting of three class and nine basic indexes which are selected and weighted through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methods. The results shows that 10 landscape belts along Qinghai-Tibet railway differ significantly in landscape quality, and are listed below from high to low: Nyainqentanglha valley basin landscape belt, Kunlun mountain landscape belt, Kekexili-Yangtze valley landscape belt, Tanggula Mountain landscape belt, Nu River valley landscape belt, Qinghai Lake basin landscape belt, Lhasa valley landscape belt, northeast high mountain of Qaidam Basin landscape belt, Huangshui valley landscape belt and Gobi and Saline Lake of Qaidam basin landscape belt, among which there are one extreme high-quality, six relative high-quality, two ordinary quality and one low-quality landscape belt. Evaluation about tourism dynamic landscape quality along Qinghai-Tibet railway is able to inform tourists about landscape quality along the railway, provides basis for local sectors' tourism development and management decisions and improves the popularity of Qinghai-Tibet railway as well.
Keywords:Qinghai-Tibet railway  landscape belt  dynamic landscape  evaluation
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