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Effects of Major Capsid Proteins,Capsid Assembly,and DNA Cleavage/Packaging on the pUL17/pUL25 Complex of Herpes Simplex Virus 1
Authors:Luella Scholtes  Joel D. Baines
Affiliation:Department Microbiology and Immunology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853
Abstract:The UL17 and UL25 proteins (pUL17 and pUL25, respectively) of herpes simplex virus 1 are located at the external surface of capsids and are essential for DNA packaging and DNA retention in the capsid, respectively. The current studies were undertaken to determine whether DNA packaging or capsid assembly affected the pUL17/pUL25 interaction. We found that pUL17 and pUL25 coimmunoprecipitated from cells infected with wild-type virus, whereas the major capsid protein VP5 (encoded by the UL19 gene) did not coimmunoprecipitate with these proteins under stringent conditions. In addition, pUL17 (i) coimmunoprecipitated with pUL25 in the absence of other viral proteins, (ii) coimmunoprecipitated with pUL25 from lysates of infected cells in the presence or absence of VP5, (iii) did not coimmunoprecipitate efficiently with pUL25 in the absence of the triplex protein VP23 (encoded by the UL18 gene), (iv) required pUL25 for proper solubilization and localization within the viral replication compartment, (v) was essential for the sole nuclear localization of pUL25, and (vi) required capsid proteins VP5 and VP23 for nuclear localization and normal levels of immunoreactivity in an indirect immunofluorescence assay. Proper localization of pUL25 in infected cell nuclei required pUL17, pUL32, and the major capsid proteins VP5 and VP23, but not the DNA packaging protein pUL15. The data suggest that VP23 or triplexes augment the pUL17/pUL25 interaction and that VP23 and VP5 induce conformational changes in pUL17 and pUL25, exposing epitopes that are otherwise partially masked in infected cells. These conformational changes can occur in the absence of DNA packaging. The data indicate that the pUL17/pUL25 complex requires multiple viral proteins and functions for proper localization and biochemical behavior in the infected cell.Immature herpes simplex virus (HSV) capsids, like those of all herpesviruses, consist of two protein shells. The outer shell comprises 150 hexons, each composed of six copies of VP5, and 11 pentons, each containing five copies of VP5 (23, 29, 47). One vertex of fivefold symmetry is composed of 12 copies of the protein encoded by the UL6 gene and serves as the portal through which DNA is inserted (22, 39). The pentons and hexons are linked together by 320 triplexes composed of two copies of the UL18 gene product, VP23, and one copy of the UL38 gene product, VP19C (23). Each triplex arrangement has two arms contacting neighboring VP5 subunits (47). The internal shell of the capsid consists primarily of more than 1,200 copies of the scaffold protein ICP35 (VP22a) and a smaller number of protease molecules encoded by the UL26 open reading frame, which self-cleaves to form VP24 and VP21 derived from the amino and carboxyl termini, respectively (11, 12, 19, 25; reviewed in reference 31). The outer shell is virtually identical in the three capsid types found in HSV-infected cells, termed types A, B, and C (5, 6, 7, 29, 43, 48). It is believed that all three are derived from the immature procapsid (21, 38). Type C capsids contain DNA in place of the internal shell, type B capsids contain both shells, and type A capsids consist only of the outer shell (15, 16). Cleavage of viral DNA to produce type C capsids requires not only the portal protein, but all of the major capsid proteins and the products of the UL15, UL17, UL28, UL32, and UL33 genes (2, 4, 10, 18, 26, 28, 35, 46). Only C capsids go on to become infectious virions (27).The outer capsid shell contains minor capsid proteins encoded by the UL25 and UL17 open reading frames (1, 17, 20). These proteins are located on the external surface of the viral capsid (24, 36, 44) and are believed to form a heterodimer arranged as a linear structure, termed the C capsid-specific complex (CCSC), located between pentons and hexons (41). This is consistent with the observation that levels of pUL25 are increased in C capsids as opposed to in B capsids (30). On the other hand, other studies have indicated that at least some UL17 and UL25 proteins (pUL17 and pUL25, respectively) associate with all capsid types, and pUL17 can associate with enveloped light particles, which lack capsid and capsid proteins but contain a number of viral tegument proteins (28, 36, 37). How the UL17 and UL25 proteins attach to capsids is not currently known, although the structure of the CCSC suggests extensive contact with triplexes (41). It is also unclear when pUL17 and pUL25 become incorporated into the capsid during the assembly pathway. Less pUL25 associates with pUL17(−) capsids, suggesting that the two proteins bind capsids either cooperatively or sequentially, although this could also be consequential to the fact that less pUL25 associates with capsids lacking DNA (30, 36).Both pUL25 and pUL17 are necessary for proper nucleocapsid assembly, but their respective deletion generates different phenotypes. Deletion of pUL17 precludes DNA packaging and induces capsid aggregation in the nuclei of infected cells, suggesting a critical early function (28, 34), whereas deletion of pUL25 precludes correct cleavage or retention of full-length cleaved DNA within the capsid (8, 20, 32), thus suggesting a critical function later in the assembly pathway.The current studies were undertaken to determine how pUL17 and pUL25 associate with capsids by studying their interaction and localization in the presence and absence of other capsid proteins.
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