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Anatomy of the stimulative sequences flanking the ARS consensus sequence of chromosome VI in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Authors:Mohammad B. Rashid   Katsuhiko Shirahige   Naotake Ogasawara  Hiroshi Yoshikawa  

a Department of Genetics, Osaka University Medical School, 2-2, Yamadaoka, Suita 565, Japan. Tel. (81-6)-879-3311

b Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Ikoma 630-01, Japan

Abstract:We have analyzed the relationship between autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) structure and function for three ARS (ARS605, ARS607 and ARS609) from chromosome VI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by systematic XhoI-linker mutation in the ARS consensus sequence (ACS) and flanking sequences. All mutations that encroached upon the ACS destroyed ARS activity. DNA sequences stimulative for ARS function were identified on either side of the ACS of ARS605 and only on the 3'-side of the ACS of ARS607. In ARS609, however, no such stimulative sequences were observed. Base substitutions complementary to the wild-type sequence of those stimulative regions, in ARS605 and ARS607, that did not change the AG of unwinding nor affected ARS activity suggests that these regions have, at least, a function as DNA-unwinding elements (DUE). ARS605, ARS607 and ARS609 DNA are of low AG value and showed hypersensitivity to single-strand-specific nuclease when inserted in negatively supercoiled plasmid. Linker mutations inhibitory for ARS activity (5L11 and 7L14) also caused significant changes in local nucleotide (nt) sensitivity within the ACS and its adjoining regions. Complementary base substitutions, however, did not affect these changes in local nt sensitivity. These results imply that the stimulative regions flanking the ACS are necessary to produce an optimum conformation around the ACS which may be important for full ARS activity.
Keywords:Plasmid replication efficiency   linker mutation   DUE   single-strand-specific nuclease hypersensitivity
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