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Simulation analysis of interference EMG during fatiguing voluntary contractions. Part II--changes in amplitude and spectral characteristics.
Authors:G V Dimitrov  T I Arabadzhiev  J-Y Hogrel  N A Dimitrova
Affiliation:Centre of Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G.Bonchev Street, Bl 105, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria. ngdim@bio.bas.bg
Abstract:Capabilities of amplitude and spectral methods for information extraction from interference EMG signals were assessed through simulation and preliminary experiment. Muscle was composed of 4 types of motor units (MUs). Different hypotheses on changes in firing frequency of individual MUs, intracellular action potential (IAP) and muscle fibre propagation velocity (MFPV) during fatigue were analyzed. It was found that changes in amplitude characteristics of interference signals (root mean square, RMS, or integrated rectified value, IEMG) detected by intramuscular and surface electrodes differed. RMS and IEMG of surface detected interference signals could increase even under MU firing rate reduction and without MU synchronisation. IAP profile lengthening can affect amplitude characteristics more significantly than MU firing frequency. Thus, an increase of interference EMG amplitude is unreliable to reflect changes in the neural drive. The ratio between EMG amplitude and contraction response can hardly characterise the so-called 'neuromuscular efficiency'. The recently proposed spectral fatigue indices can be used for quantification of interference EMG signals. The indices are practically insensitive to MU firing frequency. IAP profile lengthening and decrease in MFPV enhanced the index value, while recruitment of fast fatigable MUs reduced it. Sensitivity of the indices was higher than that of indices traditionally used.
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