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Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic investigations of selenium-containing phycocyanin from selenium-rich algae (Spirulina platensis)
Authors:Lenong Li  Jiping Zhang  Tao Jiang  Baojiang Guo  Wenrui Chang  Dongcai Liang
Affiliation:(1) Biotechnology Research Institute, South China Normal University, 510631 Guangzhou, China;(2) National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100101 Beijing, China
Abstract:The selenium-containing phycocyanin from the selenium-rich algae (Spirulina platensis) has been crystallized in two crystal forms by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion techniques. A chromatographic procedure of gel filtration and anion exchange was used for purification. Form I crystal with space group P21 and cell parameters a =108.0 Å, b= 117.0 Å, c = 184.0Å, β= 90.2° and 12(αβ) units in the asymmetric unit was obtained by using (NH4)2SO4 as precipitant. These crystals diffract up to 2.8 Å. Form II crystal obtained by using PEG4000 as precipitant belongs to space group P63 with unit cell constants a = 155.0 Å, c = 40.3 Å, γ =120.0° and one(αβ) unit in the asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract beyond 2.9 Å. The possible stacking forms of phycocyanin molecules in the first crystal form were discussed.
Keywords:phycocyanin  crystallization  X-ray diffraction  the study of crystallography
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