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Leaf phloem alterations in two provenances ofAbies alba Miller (silver fir) during ageing
Authors:Alessandro Bottacci  Marta Mariotti Lippi  Gabriele Tani  Romano Gellini  Elena Maugini
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Forest Botany, Department of Plant Biology, University of Florence, Piazzale delle Cascine 18, I-50100 Firenze, Italy;(2) Laboratory of General Botany, Department of Plant Biology, University of Florence, Via Micheli 3, I-50121 Firenze, Italy
Abstract:The phenomenon of premature needle senescence in two Italian provenances of silver fir was studied as part of a more general research project on decliningAbies alba. The two provenances showed a different degree of sensitivity to atmospheric pollutants. Comparative observations on 1-, 3-, 5-, 7- and 9-year-old needles from both provenances highlighted a faster loss of function in the phloem of needles from the Vallombrosa provenance. This fact appears to be related more to a loss of function in the cambium, than to a different rate of degeneration of sieve cells. This phenomenon may help explain why needles of the Vallombrosa provenance tend to be shed sooner than those of the Serra San Bruno provenance.
Keywords:Abies alba Miller  Silver fir  Needle ageing  Phloem alterations  Provenances
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