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The effect of interspecific aggression on territorial dynamics in Acrocephalus Warblers in a marsh area of north-western Italy
Authors:A Rolando  C Palestrini
Institution:Dipartimento di Biologia Animale , via Accademia Albertina 17, Torinto , 10123 , Italy
Abstract:Observations carried out on an Acrocephalus community in north-western Italy during the breeding period have confirmed the occurrence of interspecific territoriality, with Acrocephalus arundinaceus aggressively dominant toward A. scirpaceus and A. palustris. The adaptive character of such an interspecific territoriality is discussed. Data seem to suggest that shifts in territories are also depending on interspecific interactions, even though intraspecific interactions have been confirmed to have the major weight in such a phenomenon. Great Reed Warbler territories resulted to be significantly larger than those of Marsh and Reed Warbler. It may be supposed that the Great Reed Warbler has larger territories as a consequence of its stronger aggressiveness.
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