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Developmental mechanisms underlying tooth patterning in continuously replacing osteichthyan dentitions
Authors:Huysseune Ann  Witten P Eckhard
Institution:Biology Department, Ghent University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. Ann.Huysseune@Ugent.be
Abstract:The dentition of osteichthyans presents an astonishing diversity with regard to the distribution of teeth in the oral cavity, tooth numbers, arrangements, shapes, and sizes. Taking examples from three unrelated teleosts--the most speciose group of osteichthyans--and from the literature, this study explores how the initial tooth pattern is set up, and how this relates to the establishment and maintenance (or modification) of the tooth replacement pattern. In teleosts, first-generation teeth (the very first teeth in ontogeny to develop at a particular locus) are commonly initiated in adjacent or in alternate (odd and even) positions. The mechanisms responsible for these divergent developmental patterns remain to be elucidated, in particular, whether they reflect a field or local type of control. However, patterns of adjacent or alternate tooth initiation, set up by the first-generation teeth, can easily turn into replacement patterns where new teeth are initiated simultaneously every second, or even every third position, by synchronizing the formation of new first-generation teeth to the formation of replacement teeth at older loci. Our observations suggest that, once established, the replacement pattern appears to be maintained, as a kind of "default" state. Variations and modifications in this pattern are nevertheless common and suggest that tooth replacement is under local control, exerted at the level of the initiation of replacement teeth. Further studies are needed to test the hypothesis that regular replacement patterns are more frequent in association with the plesiomorphic condition of extramedullary replacement (replacement on the surface of the dentigerous bone) and more rare in the derived condition of intramedullary replacement (replacement within the medullary cavity of the dentigerous bone).
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