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引用本文:黄婉萍,徐姝婷,梁伟,夏灿玮. 大鹰鹃鸣声的日节律[J]. 动物学杂志, 2017, 52(6): 945-953. DOI: 10.13859/j.cjz.201706003
作者姓名:黄婉萍  徐姝婷  梁伟  夏灿玮
基金项目:北京市自然科学基金项目(No. 5173030),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(No. 2015NT11)
摘    要:鸟类的鸣唱具有吸引配偶和保卫领域的功能,多为雀形目雄性鸟类发出,在其婚配、繁殖中起重要作用。非雀形目鸟类缺乏内鸣肌,发出的声音较为单调。但杜鹃科(Cuculidae)等少数非雀形目鸟类,利用鸣叫来吸引异性和宣示领域,功能上类似雀形目鸟类的鸣唱。鸟类在繁殖期面临觅食等基本生理活动与求偶行为的时间权衡。而鸣唱是雄性鸟类在繁殖期耗能较多的求偶行为,鸣唱的活跃程度受到外界环境和鸟类自身习性的影响。通过研究鸟类鸣声的日节律,有助于了解鸟类对生活史策略的响应。本研究于2016年和2017年鸟类繁殖季在北京小龙门森林公园(40°00′N,115°26′E)进行。2016年和2017年在大鹰鹃(Hierococcyx sparverioides)活动区利用录音机(美国Wildlife Acoustics公司,型号SM4)分别录制了3 d和43 d的录音。通过Kaleidoscope Pro 4.0.3软件(美国Wildlife Acoustics公司),量化录音并提取反应大鹰鹃鸣声特征的参数,进而自动识别出录音中大鹰鹃的鸣声。在优化识别条件后,对大鹰鹃鸣声识别的正确率可以达到60.26%,探测率可以达到44.71%。发现大鹰鹃有两个鸣叫的高峰,一个在3:00时,另一个在19:00时。与同域分布的其他鸟类相比,大鹰鹃鸣声的高峰时段持续的时间更长,且具有夜间鸣叫的特点。结合大鹰鹃的生活史,我们对其鸣声日节律进行了讨论。

关 键 词:大鹰鹃;鸣声日节律;声音识别

Daily Vocal Pattern of Large Hawk Cuckoo (Hierococcyx sparverioides)
Abstract:Bird song is a vocal behavior that serves as a means of territory defense and/or mate attraction during the breeding season.In non-Passeriformes birds,vocalizations are often simple and stereotyped,without song behavior.However,for certain non-Passeriformes birds,such as cuckoos (Cuculidae),their vocalizations,although stereotyped (Fig.1),are also important in territory defense and attracting females,similar to the function of songs in Passeriformes birds.During the breeding season,birds face the trade-offs in investment between breeding and survival.Bird song as a costly sexually display,its activity can be influenced by bird's life history and ambient environment.In this study,we investigated the daily variation of call activity of Large Hawk Cuckoo Hierococcyx sparverioides,based on recordings from Xiaolongmen National Forestry Park (40°00′N,115°26′E) in Beijing.These audio recordings were collected with recorders (Wildlife Acoustics,USA) from May 30th to June 1st in 2016,and May 14th to June 25th in 2017.Detections of Large Hawk Cuckoo call events were obtained with automated sound recognition in Kaleidoscope Pro 4.0.3 software (Wildlife Acoustics,USA),with the accuracy rate and detection rate for detecting of 60.26% and 44.71%,respectively (Fig.2).In general,there is more investment in vocal behavior in Large Hawk Cuckoo than most other sympatric bird species in our study area (Fig.3).There were two peaks (more than 100 calls per hour in each recorder) in vocal output,with one around 3:00,and the other around 19:00 (Fig.4).The Large Hawk Cuckoo also had nocturnal calls,with about 50 calls per hour in each recorder at midnight (Fig.4).We discussed the potential relationship between daily vocal pattern and life history of the bird.
Keywords:Large Hawk Cuckoo, Hierococcyx sparverioides   Daily vocal pattern   Sound detection
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