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Evaluation and improvement of the energy efficiency of nitrogen fixation in Lotus corniculatus nodules induced by Rhizobium loti strains indigenous to Uruguay
Authors:Monza  J.  Diaz  P.  Borsani  O.  Ruiz-Argu¨eso  T.  Palacios  J.M.
Affiliation:(1) Departmento de Bioqui´mica, Facultad de Agronomi´a, Universidad de la Repu´blica, Avda. Garzo´n 780, CP, 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay;(2) Laboratorio de Microbiologi´a, Escuela Te´cnical Superiorde Ingenierus Agro´nomos, Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Abstract:In order to evaluate energy efficiency of nitrogen fixation by the Lotus corniculatus/Rhizobium loti symbiosis, Uruguayan R. loti strains were tested for hydrogen-uptake (Hup) status. Nodules induced in L. corniculatus by all eight R. loti strains tested evolved high amounts of hydrogen (2.0–8.7 mgr mol H2/h.g nodule fresh weight). This production of hydrogen corresponds to 38–69% of total nitrogenase activity estimated as acetylene reduction, suggesting that hydrogen is not recycled within these nodules. This was confirmed by the lack of hydrogenase activity in bacteroid suspensions. Additionally, no hybridization signals were observed in total DNA restriction digests from these strains when a DNA fragment containing part of hydrogenase structural genes from Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae was used as probe. Cosmid pHU52, containing the complete gene cluster required for hydrogen oxidation in Bradyrhizobium japonicum, was introduced into two R. loti strains. Transconjugants from only one of the strains were able to express hydrogenase activity in vegetative cells incubated under the derepression conditions described for B. japonicum. Bacteroids induced by both transconjugant strains in L. corniculatus and Lotus tenuis expressed hydrogenase activity in nodules. The level of hydrogenase activity induced in L. tenuis nodules was two-fold higher than those induced in L. corniculatus. This implies the existence of a strong host effect on hydrogenase expression in this symbiotic system.
Keywords:Energy efficiency  hydrogenase  Lotus sp.  Rhizobium loti
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