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Cigarette smoke-induced bronchoconstriction: causative agents and role of thromboxane receptors
Authors:Hong, Ju-Lun   Lee, Lu-Yuan
Abstract:Hong, Ju-Lun, and Lu-Yuan Lee. Cigarette smoke-inducedbronchoconstriction: causative agents and role of thromboxane receptors. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5):2053-2059, 1996.---Inhalation of cigarette smoke induces a biphasicbronchoconstriction in guinea pigs: the first phase is induced by acombination of cholinergic reflex and tachykinins, whereas the secondphase involves cyclooxygenase metabolites (J.-L. Hong, I. W. Rodger,and L.-Y. Lee. J. Appl. Physiol. 78:2260-2266, 1995). This study was carried out to further determinethe causative agents in the smoke and the types of prostanoid receptorsand endogenous prostanoids mediating the bronchoconstriction. Inhalation of 10 ml of high-nicotine cigarette smoke consistently elicited the biphasic bronchoconstriction in anesthetized and artificially ventilated guinea pigs. Pretreatment with hexamethonium (10 mg/kg iv) significantly reduced the first-phase bronchoconstriction but did not have any measurable effect on the second-phase response. Insharp contrast, gas-phase smoke did not elicit any bronchoconstrictive effect. Furthermore, when the animals were challenged with low-nicotine cigarette smoke, only a single second-phase response was evoked, accompanied by increases in thromboxane (Tx)B2 (a stable metabolite ofTxA2), prostaglandin (PG)D2,PGF2alpha in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The bronchoconstrictive response induced by low-nicotine smoke was completely prevented by pretreatment with SQ-29548 (0.3 mg/kgiv), a TxA2-receptor antagonist.These results indicate that 1)nicotine is the primary causative agent responsible for the first-phasebronchoconstriction and 2)nonnicotine smoke particulates evoke the release ofTxA2,PGD2, andPGF2alpha , which act onTxA2 receptors on airway smoothmuscles and induce the second-phase response to cigarette smoke.

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