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In vivo fluorescence excitation and absorption spectra of marine phytoplankton: I. Taxonomic characteristics and responses to photoadaptation
Authors:SooHoo, Janice Beeler   Kiefer, Dale A.   Collins, Donald J.   McDermid, I. Stuart
Affiliation:Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
Abstract:Absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra were measuredfor batch cultures of five species of marine phytoplankton grownunder high and low light. These spectra were examined for propertiescharacteristic of taxonomic position and of photoadaptive response.While regions of absorption and excitation of chlorophyll afluorescence diagnostic of pigment composition were identifiable,photoadaptive response had greater influence on spectral variability.Although reduced growth irradiance caused changes in both theabsorption and fluorescence excitation spectra, the fluorescenceexcitation spectrum appears to be more sensitive to alterationsin the ambient light field for growth than does the absorptionspectrum. For a single species. the fluorescence excitationspectrum for a sample grown at low irradiance showed greaterstructure than that for the sample grown at a high irradiance.Under low light conditions, the excitation of chlorophyll afluorescence by accessory pigments increased relative to theexcitation by chlorophyll a itself The highest fluorescenceyields occur in the blue-green region of the spectrum, correspondingto bands of peak absorption by the accessory pigments. Changesin absorption spectra are less marked, but two features recur.First. in the blue-green region of the spectrum from -500–560nm. absorption is enhanced in the low-light cells relative tothat of the high-light cells. Second, the ratio of absorptionat 435 nm to that at 676 nm was greater for the high-light cells.Correlating changes in pigment concentrations were observed.The influence of photoadaptation on the properties of fluorescenceexcitation spectra is as great or greater than the influenceof pigment complements characteristic of specific algal taxa.
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