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Aerenchyma (Gas-space) Formation in Adventitious Roots of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is not Controlled by Ethylene or Small Partial Pressures of Oxygen
Abstract:Jackson, M. B., Fenning, T. M., and Jenkins, W. 1985 Aerenchyma(gas-space) formation in adventitious roots of rice (Oryza sativaL.) is not controlled by ethylene or small partial pressuresof oxygen.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1566–1572. The extent of gas-filled voids (aerenchyma) within the cortexof adventitious roots of vegetative rice plants (Oryza sativaL. cv. RB3) was estimated microscopically from transverse sectionswith the aid of a computer-linked digitizer drawing board. Gas-spacewas detectable in 1-d-old tissue and increased in extent withage. After 7 d, approximately 70% of the cortex had degeneratedto form aerenchyma. The extent of the voids in 1-4-d-old tissuewas not increased by stagnant, poorly-aerated external environmentscharacterized by sub-ambient oxygen partial pressures and accumulationsof carbon dioxide and ethylene. Treatment with small oxygenpartial pressures, or with carbon dioxide or ethylene appliedin vigorously stirred nutrient solution also failed to promotethe formation of cortical gas-space. Furthermore, ethylene productionby rice roots was slowed by small oxygen partial pressures typicalof stagnant conditions. Silver nitrate, an inhibitor of ethylene action, did not retardgas-space formation; similarly when endogenous ethylene productionwas inhibited by the application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine(A VG), aerenchyma development continued unabated. Cobalt chloride,another presumed inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, did notimpair formation of the gas in rice roots nor did it decreasethe extent of aerenchyma even if A VG was supplied simultaneously.These results contrast with those obtained earlier using rootsof Zea mays L. We conclude that in rice, aerenchyma forms speedily even inwell-aerated environments as an integral part of ordinary rootdevelopment There seems to be little or no requirement for ethyleneas a stimulus in stagnant root-environments where aerenchymais likely to increase the probability of survival. Key words: Rice (Oryza sativa L.), ethylene, flooding, aeration, aerenchyma, environmental stress
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