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Identification of a Rhizobium trifolii plasmid coding for nitrogen fixation and nodulation genes and its interaction with pJB5JI, a Rhizobium leguminosarum plasmid
Authors:A H Christensen  K R Schubert
Abstract:Rhizobium trifolii T37 contains at least three plasmids with sizes of greater than 250 megadaltons. Southern blots of agarose gels of these plasmids probed with Rhizobium meliloti nif DNA indicated that the smallest plasmid, pRtT37a, contains the nif genes. Transfer of the Rhizobium leguminosarum plasmid pJB5JI, which codes for pea nodulation and the nif genes and is genetically marked with Tn5, into R. trifolii T37 generated transconjugants containing a variety of plasmid profiles. The plasmid profiles and symbiotic properties of all of the transconjugants were stably maintained even after reisolation from nodules. The transconjugant strains were placed into three groups based on their plasmid profiles and symbiotic properties. The first group harbored a plasmid similar in size to pJB5JI (130 megadaltons) and lacked a plasmid corresponding to pRtT37a. These strains formed effective nodules on peas but were unable to nodulate clover and lacked the R. trifolii nif genes. This suggests that genes essential for clover nodulation as well as the R. trifolii nif genes are located on pRtT37a and have been deleted. The second group harbored hybrid plasmids formed from pRtT37a and pJB5JI which ranged in size from 140 to ca. 250 megadaltons. These transconjugants had lost the R. leguminosarum nif genes but retained the R. trifolii nif genes. Strains in this group nodulated both peas and clover but formed effective nodules only on clover. The third group of transconjugants contained a hybrid plasmid similar in size to pRtT37b. These strains contained the R. trifolii and R. leguminosarum nif genes and formed N2-fixing nodules on both peas and clover.
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