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Middle Jurassic stromatactis mud-mound in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians)
Authors:Roman Aubrecht  Joachim Szulc  Jozef Michalik  Ján Schlögl  Michael Wagreich
Affiliation:1.Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences,Comenius University,Bratislava;2.Institute of Geological Sciences,Jagiellonian University,Kraków;3.Geological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences,Bratislava;4.Institut für Geologie, Geozentrum,Universit?t Wien,Wien
Abstract:Summary A stromatactis mud-mound has been found near Slavnické Podhorie in the Czorsztyn Unit of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Its stratigraphic range is Bathonian to Callovian and it is one of the youngest known true stromatactis mud-mounds. The complete shape the mound is not visible since the klippe is a tectonic block encompassed by younger Cretaceous marls. The matrix is micritic to pelmicritic mudstone, wackestone to packstone with pelecypods, brachiopods, ammonites, and crinoids. An important component of the mound is stromatactis cavities that occur as low as the underlying Bajocian-Bathonian crinoidal limestones. The stromatactis cavities are filled by radiaxial fibrous calcite (RFC) as well as in some places by internal sediment and, finally, by clear blocky calcite. Some cavities remain open with empty voids in the centres. In some stromatactis cavities, tests of cavedwelling ostracodsPokornyopsis sp. were found, surrounded by the latest stages of the RFC. This indicates that stromatactis cavities formed an open network enabling migration of the ostracods and their larvae over a period of time. Except in the case of the stromatactis cavities, there are numerous examples of seeming recrystallizationsensu Black (1952) and Ross et al. (1975) and Bathurst (1977). The radiaxial fibrous calcite encloses patches of matrix and isolated allochems. The RFC crystals are oriented perpendicularly to the substrate whether it is a cavity wall or enclosed allochems. This means that the RFC crystals could not grow from the centre of the cavity outward as postulated by Ross et al. (1975). There are also numerous “floating” isolated allochems, which are much smaller than the surrounding RFC crystals. The explanation involving three-dimensional interconnection of allochems seems to be unlikely. In the discussed mud-mound there is a conflict between apparently empty cavities that had to exist in the sediment and seeming “recrystallization” related to the same RFC that forms the initial void filling. The authors favor an alternative explanation of the “recrystallization”. We presume that the allochems served as nucleation points on which the crystals started to grow. Obviously, the allochems and the micritic patches were different from the surrounding material. RFC crystals (either short-or long-bladed) of the “recrystallization” spar grew at the expense of decaying microbial mucillages. The mucus can enclose peloids, allochems, or whole micritic patches that “floated” in the cavity and served as nucleation sites for the RFC crystals. The entire mud-mound represents a microbially bound autochthonous micritic mass; the stromatactis and stromatactis-like cavities originated where purer mucillage patches occurred, giving rise to open spaces. Such features as the morphological variety of stromatactis fabrics, the pervasive penetration of the sparry calcite into matrix, and the enclosure of the “floated” allochems and mudstone patches by sparry calcite, seem to provide support for the presence of mucus aggregates within the mound body. The mucus might be related to protozoans rather than to sponges or other well organized metazoan organisms. Occurrence of the stromatactis cavities in the underlying Bajocian-Bathonian crinoidal limestones support the inference on biological origin of the stromatactis fabrics. The alternative inorganic models of stromatactis origin (e.g., internal erosion or water-escape) are hardly applicable to the sediment formed by crinoidal skeletal detritus.
Keywords:Mud-Mounds  Stromatactis  Western carpathian (Spieniny Klippen Belt)  Jurassic
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