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Robertsonian translocations: mechanisms of formation,aneuploidy, and uniparental disomy and diagnostic considerations
Authors:Kim Sung-Ryul  Shaffer Lisa G
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pathology, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan, Korea.
Abstract:Robertsonian translocations (ROBs) are rearrangements of the acrocentric chromosomes 13-15 and 21-22. Cytologically, ROBs between homologous chromosomes cannot be distinguished from isochromosomes that originate through duplication of a single homologue. Both types of rearrangements can be involved in aneuploidy. A conceptus with a trisomy or a monosomy can be rescued, and in a proportion of cases, a uniparental disomy (UPD) would result. If there are regions of genome imprinting on a uniparental chromosome pair, phenotypic consequences can result. Chromosomes 14 and 15 are imprinted, and UPD of these are known to result in abnormalities. Thus, prenatal testing should be considered in all pregnancies when one of the parents is a balanced carrier of a ROB because of the risk for aneuploidy, and UPD testing should be considered in fetuses found to carry a balanced ROB or isochromosome that involves chromosomes 14 or 15. Additionally, infants or children with congenital anomalies who carry a ROB should also be considered for UPD testing.
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