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Zooplankton in the Vasikkalampi pond, a warm water effluent recipient in Central Finland
Authors:Eloranta   Pertti V.
Affiliation:Department of Biology, University of Jyv?skyl? Yliopistonkatu 9, SF-40100 Jyv?skyl? 10, Finland
Abstract:Seasonal and vertical fluctuations of zooplankton species composition,biomass, and production were monitored by weekly sampling duringa two year period in one eutrophic pond in Central Finland.The study was one part of a more comprehensive study programto investigate the effects of warm water effluents from onesmall thermal power plant (35 MW) on the pond ecosystem. Becauseof the circulation of the pond water through the pumps in thepower plant the crustacean populations were very sparse in planktonduring the seasons the power plant was in operation (late Augustto May). During that time rotifers were dominant and some speciesreached very high densities (e.g., Keratella cochlearis s.l.ca. 15 000 ind. l–1 in sping). In summer months Asplanchnapriodonta, Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, Bosmina longirostris, Mesocyclopsleuckarti and Thermocyclops oithonoides were dominant. A totalof 96 planktonic and meroplanktonic taxa were identified (26ciliates, 46 rotifers, 21 cladocerans and 3 copepods). The dryweight biomass of total zooplankton was 10 mg m–3 in wintermonths, 10–100 mg m–3 in spring and 300–1000mg m–3 in summer. The total yearly production of zooplanktonwas 8552 mg dry wt m–3 a–1 in 1979 and 8440 mg drywt m–3 a–1 in 1980, from which the proportion ofrotifers was 33–39%, cladocerans 52–58% and copepods8.6 –9.4%. The winter production was 0.2–0.5% ofthe total yearly production, that of spring and autumn togetherwas 8.1–10.4% and the remainder (89–91%) was summerproduction.
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