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Water Potential and Mechanical Properties of the Cell Wall of Hypocotyls of Dark-Grown Squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) under Water-Stress Conditions
Authors:Sakurai, Naoki   Kuraishi, Susumu
Affiliation:Department of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University Hiroshima 730, Japan
Abstract:Hypocotyl growth of seedlings of dark-grown squash (Cucurbitamaxima Duch.) was greatly reduced by the addition of 60mM polyethyleneglycol (PEG) to hydroponic solution (water stress). Apoplastic solution (A) and cell sap (C) were separately collectedfrom the hypocotyl segments by a centrifugation method. Theosmotic potentials of A ({pi}A) and C ({pi}c), and {Delta}{pi} (={pi}c–{pi}A) ofstressed hypocotyls were always lower than those of unstressedhypocotyls. Suction force was measured by immersing the segments into solutionsof different concentrations of mannitol. Suction force was significantlycorrelated with {pi}C (r= –0.99). The mechanical properties of the cell wall of hypocotyl segmentswere measured by stressrelaxation technique. Minimum stressrelaxation time (To), relaxation rate (R) and residual stressof unstressed hypocotyls were low during the growth period andincreased when the growth ceased. To and R of stressed hypocotylsdecreased one day after the stress treatment, but the residualstress was not decreased by the water stress throughout theexperiment. These results suggest that the suppressed growth of dark-grownsquash hypocotyls under water stress was due neither to thereduction of the osmotic potential difference between innerand outer space of the cell, nor to the decrease in suctionforce, but was partly due to the unchanged mechanical propertiesof the cell wall, as represented by one stress-relaxation parameter,residual stress. (Received February 5, 1988; Accepted September 8, 1988)
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