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Phytochrome-regulated Expansion of Mustard (Sinapis alba L.) Cotyledons
Abstract:In developing mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings continuousred light acting via the agency of phytochrome stimulates therate of expansion of cotyledons. Although phytochrome actionon cotyledon expansion is evident only after 36 h from sowing,the photoresponse escapes from reversibility at about 15 h fromsowing. The time lag of 21 h between loss of photoreversibilityand the onset of photoregulated cotyledon expansion indicatesthe existence of long-lived components in the phytochrome-triggeredsignal chain. Phytochrome-regulated cotyledon expansion doesnot require the involvement of photosynthesis, as applicationof SAN 9789, an inhibitor of chloroplast biogenesis, did notaffect cotyledon expansion. The role of turgor pressure-relatedcellular parameters such as osmotic potential ({pi}) cell wall extensibility(m), hydraulic conductivity (L) and yield threshold (Y) forcell expansion were examined during photoregulated cotyledonexpansion. Using the general equation of cell growth dv/dt =[Lm/(L+m)]({Delta}{pi} - Y), where dv/dt is the rate of volumetric growth,it was demonstrated that the light-mediated cotyledon expansionresults from an increase in cell wall extensibility (m). Theseresults are discussed in relation to the photoregulation ofcotyledon expansion. Key words: Cell wall extensibility, growth, Sinapis alba L., phytochrome
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