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Diagnosis and phylogeny of the new world streptocephalidae (Branchiopoda: Anostraca)
Authors:Alejandro M. Maeda-Martinez  Denton Belk  Hortencia Obregón-Barboza  Henri J. Dumont
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Animal Ecology, University of Ghent, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium;(2) Biology Department, Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio, 78207-4666, TX, USA;(3) Present address: División Biología Marina, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C., Apdo. Postal 128 La Paz, Baja California Sur, México
Abstract:We present an updated diagnosis of 13Streptocephalus species of North America. Three new species are included. A key to the species is provided.The phylogeny of the group is discussed on the basis of (1) a systematic approach (Maeda-Martinezet al., 1995; this volume), which considers the entire distal antennal outgrowth, the frontal appendage, and the morphology of the ovaries as essential in defining different genetic lineages or species-groups, and (2) a cladistic analysis. We suggest that of nine monophyletic groups, three are represented in both the Old and New World. Thus, contrary to former disparsalist hypotheses, we argue that the New World species represent relict forms of ancestral groups fragmented by continental drift (vicariance model).
Keywords:Streptocephalus  morphology  systematics  North America  new species  cladistics  fairy shrimp
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